The Crew

Sean Rowley
Growing up as far north as James Bay and as far west as the Rocky Mountains and the Prairies, Sean has spent most of his life outdoors and has seen a lot of what Canada has to offer people who love to get outside.
Combining his love of canoes, camping, and photography, Sean has been canoe tripping for over 25 years and has many more years ahead of him. Testing new gear and learning new skills is part of what Sean enjoys most about getting out on the water and into the back country.
Derek Specht
From the East Coast to the West Coast and now in Southern Ontario, Derek has always enjoyed spending time outdoors, whether it is hiking, skiing, sea kayaking or winter camping.
Since moving to the Toronto area, Derek has combined his love of paddling with camping and has learned to appreciate the quiet solitude and peace that canoe tripping can bring. Grateful for an amazing group of paddlers he calls friends; paddling currently consumes much of his quality time.

John is Paddling Adventures Radio’s U.S. correspondent and has lived in Illinois, Ohio, California, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin. He spent his formative years camping, fishing, and motorcycling in Cheeseland and Ontario.
John began backpacking and paddling as an adult, and is happiest when in the wilderness with friends. He combined his love of the outdoors with volunteerism by founding The Outdoor Kind to support North American first responders. His company also conducts educational outreach and John frequently presents on safety issues at everything from classrooms to outdoors shows in Canada and the U.S.
Kevin Rauer
While not growing up in the great outdoors like Sean & Derek have, Kevin was introduced to canoe tripping by Sean and loves to get out on the water when time allows. Kevin rounds out the P.A.R. Team with his technical knowledge by offering backend management, site setup, maintenance, and development.